Securing all your digital assets is what we do. Starting from simple risk assessments/audits to most comprehensive threat hunting reports, we cater all forms of cybersecurity consulting under ONE roof. we like best every pleasure.

Application Security
Our expertise is application security. Irrespective of the stage of your product development, we analyze your architecture, code, deployment mechanisms and much more to ensure that every step is fully protected

Cloud Security
As a registered consulting partner for both AWS and Azure, we are the best choice for securing all your assets in the cloud. If you are managing your cloud presence or running your products as a multi-cloud architecture, we become the natural choice for securing your cloud-based assets. Whether you run a traditional EC2 instances within a set of VPC or highly scalable NGN infrastructure with Docker/K8s, we provide the right solutions. In addition to the necessary defensive technologies in place, we also advise on how to monitor on a continual basis and log the activities for auditing purposes.

VAPT assessments or product security audits are very helpful to organizations but need to be repeated frequently unless backed by a solid repetitive process. DevSecOps will lead the organizations to the level of maturity where "shift-left" security principles are embedded into the normal software development process all the way up to the point of deployment. Automation using DevSecOps is the best choice and we can help you move in the right direction quickly.

Web3 security
For building an NFT marketplace, cryptoexchange or a enterprise-grade Blockchain solution for a specific business case, CyberSafeHaven can handle all the security aspects of the solution, be it analyzing your dApps, cloud-infra, smart-contracts (Solidity) or signing methods and much more. We provide clear reports that highlight the issues in your code and we also demonstrate how it can be exploited, whenever we can. We make recommendations on the appropriate security methodologies - for example when weak signing methods or verification techniques are used, they become the largest gaping hole even if the contracts are rock solid. Similarly, we recommend the right battle-tested contracts that can be customized for application specfic uses.
We understand your needs
Being a start-up ourselves, we completely understand the complexities in managing the business, team and products.Trust us in managing your security at reasonable cost and time sensitive solutions that match your organization's agility